Friday, September 6, 2019

--WW III-- on the Page of World History

Allies vs. Central Powers
(the Accidental War)
Allies vs. Axis Powers
(War for Global Conquest)
Allies vs. Sino Powers
(War for Global Power)

According to the Cycles of History by Strauss & Howe---the Crises Era of this Cycle should have the peak of the Climax around 2012-----IT's WAY PAST 2012 and it hasn't even started....when things are late during the Crises Era's in History--it's usually worse than usual. This one is the latest.

*As a side note-
A Cycle of History consists of 4 Era's:
1) Springlike HIGH
[Rebuilding the nation and more societal co-operation than usual]
2) Long Hot Summer of a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING
[Spiritual Overtones rumble throughout the Culture]
3) Autumn like UNRAVELING
[Pessimism settles over the land]
4)Cold Winter CRISES
[Crises on the Magnitude that pulls people back together because of the seriousness of the threat]
....The CRISES ERA has 4 sub-parts:
[Something BIG that Wakes people up--Recent Examples are REVOLUTION CRISES ERA the Boston Tea Party & Massacre / CIVIL WAR CRISES ERA what was know as "Bleeding Kansas" / GREAT DEPRESSION & WW 2 CRISES ERA the Stock Market Crash of 1929 / CURRENT CRISES ERA 9-11]
2- Regenerance
[Society attempts to Regenerate itself for what it thinks is about to come--Recent Examples are REVOLUTION CRISES ERA formation of such things as the Sons of Liberty and Patriot groups as well as colonies debating rebellion in legislative chambers for taking sides / CIVIL WAR CRISES ERA southern states openly talking rebellion and forming a Confederacy / GREAT DEPRESSION & WW 2 CRISES ERA restructuring the Federal Government with the New Deal to relate to the Great Depression aspect / CURRENT CRISES ERA restructuring the Government to deal with the aftermath of 9-11 with Homeland Security]
3- Climax
[Usually involves a War that matters-one with a Winner and Loser-one War you can't afford to Lose--but also could include other Major Events such as Economic or other--Recent Examples are REVOLUTION CRISES ERA American Revolution / CIVIL WAR CRISES ERA Civil War / GREAT DEPRESSION & WW 2 CRISES ERA Great Depression along with WW 2 / CURRENT CRISES ERA yet to be seen--but likely WW 3 and probably and Major Economic Meltdown of some sort or unleashing of Global Pandemic]
4- Resolution
[A Resolution to the Crises such as REVOLUTION CRISES ERA 13 squabbling colonies formed a new nation in what Jefferson called this "experiment in Democracy" / CIVIL WAR CRISES ERA the Abolition of Slavery / GREAT DEPRESSION & WW 2 CRISES ERA from a Capitalist Economy to a Mixed Economy of Capitalism and welfare/socialism as well as that the U.S. will assume the title of "Leader of the Free World"]

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